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<>MaZe CraZe<>
The is designed for you and your friends to think outside the box.

Number of carbon life forms needed : 2-6 on a team
Fun when you have more than one team

Looks like… but does it sound like… a direction?
Button to the Clouds
Button to Coxswain
Button to a Clone of your Very Own
Button to the Maze Craze
Button to Mirror Mirror
Button to OutSide the Box
Button to Righting Adventure

Rules are to be broken-especially in emergency situations.
Team Member roles:
maZe ruNner - A blind folded team member that runs the maZe.
It is a person that can hear clearly sounds and noises you use for communicating your directions

cOmmUnicatOrs- A person(s) responsible for giving non-verbal directions
R  U  S
The only rules you must navigate around are- students doing the MaZe CraZe
No verbal directions.
Blindfold the
maZe ruNner, the person that is  selected to run the maze and follow the cOmmUnicatOrs' non-verbal directions.
Make sure the blindfold is secure .
Team members can not touch the person going through the maze.
All  Rules are made to be Broken!  See Notice!
Notice: If  the
maZe ruNner  is about to run into a tree or fall into a hole or do something that could otherwise hurt them self, in this emergency situation, it is ok to yell STOP!               In fact your team will gain points for keeping the  maZe ruNner  safe and sound.
The challenge is to create Non-verbal directions for going backwards, forwards, sideways, up and over, down and under, and of course right and left.  Think outside the box. COmmUnicatOrs can not touch the person, nor tie strings to the person going through the maze.
maZe ruNner  can only respond to the cOmmUnicatOrs' non-verbal directions.  So perhaps clapping three times means go left so many steps..You get the idea now put your out of the  box thinking cap on and have fun!

MaZe creation is easy and fun. Your maZe set up can be as easy as putting masking tape on the ground for your
maZe ruNner  to follow. Or you may want to make an underpass with a yardstick held up by cardboard boxes. Remember your maZe ruNner  can not see , only the  cOmmUnicatOrs (direction givers) can.
Your maZe can be really simple to very complex, it depends on you and the ideas you and your team generate, but keep in mind that your
maZe ruNner  can not see. Be careful!  You and your maZe ruNner  may want to practice listening to your cOmmUnicatOrs' non-verbal directions before the maZe ruNner 
hits the maZe.

Were those three claps to turn right or left?

 The MaZe CraZe Experience.

Notice To yell 'Stop' if the maze runner iis in harms way.
Looks like… but does it sound like… a direction?
MaZe CraZe Student ExperienceTeams of cOmmUnicatOrs' and their maZe ruNner solved many communication problems when they participated in the MazeCraze.MaZe CraZe Experience Team members had the opportunity to refine their communication and team skills, while going craZy working together. Team members are going craZy as they try to navigate their maZe ruNner.
How do you give non-verbal directions
to your maZe ruNner (blindfolded) partner?
<> Everyone is going maZe CraZy! <>
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