Leakign Ideas
Your Brain
Thinkamajiggers Brain of Possibililties

Home Sweet Home

May thinkamajiggers' Force be with you Button
Path to what ThinkamajiggersBelieves
Path to the heart of every child

  • is Leaking ideas faster than you can keep up.
  • Is more flexible and multidimensional than any supercompter.
  • Can learn seven facts per second, every second, for the rest of your life and still have plenty of room left to learn more.
  • Will improve with age if you use it properly.
  • is not just in your head. According to renowned neuroscientist   Dr.Candance Pert, "...intelligence is located not only in the brain but in cells that are distributed throughout the body...The traditional separation of mental processes including emotions from the body is no longer valid."
  • Is unique. Of course the 6,000,000,000 (six billion) people currently living and the more than 90,000,000,000 (ninety billion) people who have ever lived, there has never, unless you are an identical twin, been anyone quite like you. Your creative gifts, your fingerprints, your expressions, your DNA, your dreams, are unprecedented and unique.
  • Is capable of making  virtually unlimited number of synaptic connections or potential patterns of thought.

Path to Cloned Adventure

Path to see the cloouds
Path to become a Coxswain
Path to follow to the become Maze Crazed
Path to the Mirror Mirror on the wall
Your nose knows button
Path to Outside the Box Thinking
Button to Pigments of Colors
Putton to the wonder of Righting
Path to a Scrambamabled Experience
Path to a mouth watering adventure

How Do You Know
 You Are Solving a Problem?

  • You smell smoke?  (The brain works in mysterious ways.)
  • No one understands that the problem is solved?
  • Wait for reality to set in ?
  • You hear the cry, "We never did it that way before."
  • A sure way to know is,  you create more problems.